A Larger Vision. A Greater Impact.

New Building Renovation Project

What is the project?

God did an amazing work in 2023 for Houston Chinese Church (HCC) by allowing us to purchase 10 acres of land and the 128,000 SF office building next door (~2.5x bigger than HCC today). Our new building renovation project will convert this office space into a church facility that enables us to expand our ministries to serve and bless all who come to HCC as well as the community around us.

Our vision and prayer is for God to utilize this new facility so that many more in Houston will hear the gospel and become God-loving and compassionate followers of Jesus Christ. "We invite you to explore more below and learn how you can be a part of this exciting project!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20

Vision and Journey of Grace

  • Vision

    To be an urban Chinese-heritage church that reaches all those in our lives, Chinese or otherwise, in central Houston through equipping, sending, and church planting.
  • 異象

A Snapshot of
HCC's History
Journey of Grace
2018 - 2023
New Building
Master Plan & Fundraising Goal
Dream Big for God
"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,
according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21

What Are Our Leaders Saying?

  • Jason Tarn Lead English Pastor The goal of this building project is to create a sacred shared space between our three congregations that serves as a training center to equip more disciples; as a launching pad to send out members to greater kingdom work; and as a nesting ground for future church plants birthed among us.

  • Thomas Wang Lead Chinese Pastor 把福音廣傳醫療中心,大學城,和教會周遭的社區需要全教會的參與和禱告,不但要有福音工作的推展,也需要相應的場地空間,使教會的福音工作可以永續。所以新大樓的改建勢在必行,大家應當慷慨奉獻,積極禱告,使新大樓儘早改建落成,讓教會的各樣事工有新的開始。

  • Henry Ow English Pastor Whenever we give of our resources to the work of God’s kingdom, we are making an investment. By giving to the building project, one is making an investment in a place where God’s work will happen - people coming to faith in Christ or equipping believers to grow in their love of God. We may not see the eventual return of that investment now. But we trust that whatever is sown, God will water and make grow.

  • Joseph Cheng Chinese Pastor 神在教會即將邁入50年之際,帶領曉士頓中國教會的中、英、粵三堂建立了共同的目標和願景。更超乎意料的,在2023年讓教會買下多年夢寐以求的十畝土地與新大樓。教堂空間的更新擴建, 展現了教會對福音使命的熱情和生命力,也象徵教會邁向一個嶄新的階段。在這人口倍增的醫療中心,神透過新的規劃與設計,拓展我們的福音使命和社區服務,不僅僅在華人社群,更深入到每一個族裔。使主耶穌的聖名,繼續被高舉,得榮耀。

  • Mark Poon Cantonese Minister 「神的工作通常有三個步驟:從『不可能』,到『困難重重』,最後—『成了』。」- 戴德生
    “There are commonly three stage in the work of God. First impossible, then difficult, then done.” - James Hudson Taylor


Video Testimonies and Vision

  • New Building Walkthrough
  • HCC Building History with Elder Yip's Testimony
  • HCC Vision from the Leadership and Current Facility Needs
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

Accomplishments So Far

Current Project Stage

Fundraising Progress

Give Now
"Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said,
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”
Acts 20:35

Donate Now & Faith Pledge

There are many ways to contribute and take part in our project. Join us.

By Check

Make check payable to Houston Chinese Church
Mail your check to 10305 Main Street Houston, TX 77025

Write on memo line:
  • Your HCC Offering Code # and
  • "HCC Building Fund"" or
  • "HCC Pledge"" for pledge fullfillment

Online Giving (PayPal Giving Fund – PPGF)

Please use " .22" for HCC Building Fund, for example "$1000.22"
Or use ".25" for HCC Pledge Fulfillment, for example "$1000.25"

Give Online - PPGF
On PPGF page click on the "Donate" Button
NOT the "Donate with PayPal" link

Make a Faith Pledge

Coming soon....

Ways to Take Part

  • Give Financially
  • Make a Faith Promise/Pledge
  • Pray for the project
  • Stay updated and connected
  • Share the word
  • Learn more by asking questions
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace...
in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ"
1 Peter 4:10-11

Project Updates

Stay updated with our progress

  • August 2024 - September 2024
    • 8/10: Council approved BC&TC recommendation of the design firm and the design fee budget.
    • 9/12: Received the city's signed release of restriction on HCC land bought from the city in 2012.
    • 9/15: Fundraising campaign kickoff in all three congregations.
  • June 2024 - July 2024
  • The Project

    • BC&TC sent RFP & RFQ to Design Firms and GCs
    • BC&TC to perform design firm and GC interview and research
    • BC&TC to present to Council the recommended design firm and GC
    • Council to approve the design firm and GC
    • Sign contract with the selected design firm and GC


    • Fundraising planning and preparation
    • Reaching external sources
    • Internal fundraising campaign to start in September 2024
  • Jan 2024 - May 2024
  • The Project:

    • 01/2024: Master plan & phasing received
    • 02/2024: Council approved master plan & phasing (94.4% passing)
    • 03/2024: Cost estimates received
    • 03/2024 – 05/2024: Master plan and cost estimate presentations
    • 05/2024: General Members voted and approved master plan & phasing (89.3% passing)


    • Initial HCC building fund and capital reserve fund of total $2.7MM
"And the Lord stirred up . . . the spirit of all the remnant of the people.
And they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God."
Haggai 1:14